Greetings and Salutations,
This week we travel to one of my favorite neighborhoods for hidden gems in Milwaukee’s bar scene: Riverwest. A melting pot of culture, art, and just plain good people are key aspects of what make Riverwest such a good time, and this Thursday should be no different as we travel to The Gig! Hidden away in a quaint neighborhood, The Gig definitely fits the bill when it comes to hidden gems, like past WTT destinations the Squirrel Cage and Gee Willikers. The Gig is known for being crazy reasonable, full of atmosphere, and having some of the most welcoming service out there. I sure am looking forward to it! Looks like we are in for a special treat, as a bluegrass concert will be there as well this Thursday!

I want to also use this time to remind all of you out there that our world-famous anniversary party is quickly approaching, and by “quickly” I mean THIS SATURDAY!!! If you are a member and have not yet paid yearly dues, please contact my Co-Founder Kyle. Message one of us for his Venmo! The extremely welcoming Nomad will be the venue again this year as we have the entire second floor, two beautiful, loving half barrels of Schlitz and High Life, and much much more! I really hope every single one of you makes an effort and get on out this Saturday for a night you surely never forget….or you will….still it is going to be epic!
Your Co-Founder and Friend,
Jeremy Jay. Blandin
*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each week, The Squeaky Curd features a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us Thursday, February 21, 2019 at The Gig, 1132 E Wright St (Riverwest), at 7:30pm. And be sure to join the WTT 3rd Anniversary Party, Saturday, February 23, 2019 at The Nomad World Pub (Brady St) at 6:00pm.*