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Welcome to Thursdays: Shaker’s Cigar Bar

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time! We introduce The Squeaky Curd readers to Welcome to Thursdays, a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday we feature a fictitious history or dazzling explanation of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening – join us weekly!*

Greetings and Salutations my most honorable Thursdians,

Join us this week as we travel to the ever so famous and historical Shaker’s Cigar Bar (422 S 2nd St). Tread softly my dear Thursdians, as Shaker’s is known to be haunted with spirits of old; but fear not – for it is the loyalty and compassion of you all that will bring a night of good times and memories.

According to record, this building dates all the way back to 1894 and has been a tavern for most of that time. Now we all know the term “Smoke and Mirrors”, and I say this because like the ghosts of Shaker’s, the bar itself is something of pure magic. Like the majestic gold band around a freshly rolled cigar, Shaker’s plays home to something more amazing. Shaker’s is like Milwaukee’s Hogwarts; except instead of magic and wands, we have beer and cigars. Can you say “Accio Old Milwaukee”?

This Building has stood the test of time and continues to be a great meeting spot!

This Building has stood the test of time and continues to be a great meeting spot!

The Royal Rings of Old Milwaukee were established many years ago to serve and protect the well being of Old Milwaukee. This organization cannot simply be joined by any person, one needs to show power and high status amongst the world. Once proven, he or she will receive a special invitation, which opens the doors to a new world of knowledge and class.


Grand Council of the Royal Rings

Grand Council of the Royal Rings

Shakers has always been the official meeting place for the Royal Rings, but no one actually knows when they meet. Rumor has it when the chimney blows smoke rings, there is a session in progress. Many have tried to infiltrate the walls of Shaker’s to find the secrets it holds; but none have been successful, thanks to the protection of the spirits that roam its halls. Supposedly, the Royal Rings of Milwaukee smoke only the finest Milwaukee cigars, hand rolled with traces of the very hops used to make Old Milwaukee. Come on out this Thursday and help me Wingardium Leviosa an Old Milwaukee and a cigar and lets enjoy the history and good times that Shaker’s has to offer!

Just a few of the members both current and past of the Royal Rings

Cheers my Friends!

Your Co-Founder and Friend,

Jeremy Blandin

Join us Thursday, December 8, 2016 at Shaker’s Cigar Bar, located at 422 S 2nd St, Milwaukee (Walker’s Point) at 7:30pm.

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