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Welcome To Thursdays: Riverwest Public House

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time! We introduce The Squeaky Curd readers to Welcome to Thursdays, a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday we feature a hilariously fictitious history of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening – join us weekly!*

Greetings and Salutations my most humble Thursdians,

Come join us this Thursday night as we travel to the Riverwest Public House (815 E. Locust Street). I find that Welcome to Thursdays and the Riverwest Public House are the perfect match for each other, as we both carry the same core values and ideals. Heck, their slogan is “building community one drink at a time”, which sounds a lot like Welcome to Thursdays: “keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time”.

Our destination considers themselves as a “Public House.” These houses originated a long time ago, with some dating back to the mid 15th century. Their main goal was to become a meeting point for the public for just about anything, whether it’s having a delicious Old Milwaukee with a friend or creating a mutual meeting place for a group such as Welcome to Thursdays! Let us all meet up at the public house to be social, happy, and have a great time.

Legend has it that back in the early 2000s a fishing competition took place in the Milwaukee River to bring together all its bordering neighborhoods, one being Riverwest. Many Milwaukee fish enthusiasts showed up to partake in the grand competition. One of the fisherman is a Milwaukee legend known by all: Bob Uecker. Bob was sitting in his boat enjoying the competition with an ice cold Old Milwaukee, when suddenly without warning a determined salmon leaped at him; startled, Uecker dropped his beer off the edge of the boat. Now we all know Old Milwaukee is something that is desired by all, fish included. With great haste, the fish flew back into the water and took in the Old Milwaukee. Crushed by his loss, Uecker rowed to shore and fell into a deep depression.

The effects of drinking that delicious, gold beauty we call Old Milwaukee cannot be contained. That very same fish that consumed the Old Mil grew ten times its size and became known as the “Soarin’ Salmon of Milwaukee”. This salmon is still known to swim the Milwaukee River always searching for more Old Milwaukee. Bob Uecker has not forgotten what the salmon did and has since devoted his life to two things: Brewers baseball and catching that fish. He even put up a reward to anyone who can catch the beast – many come, but all fail. Maybe someday this legendary salmon will be caught and balance can be restored. But until then, the Milwaukee River remains home to the “Soarin’ Salmon.”

Will Farrell is a regular when it comes to trying to catch the "Soarin Salmon"

Will Farrell is a regular when it comes to trying to catch the “Soarin’ Salmon”

Bob Uecker will never give up.

Bob Uecker will never give up.

Cheers my friends!

Your founder and friend,

Jeremy Blandin

Join us at Riverwest Public House located at 815 E Locust St., Milwaukee, Thursday, October 6 at 7:30pm.

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