Greetings and Salutations my Thursday Night Explorers,

Well, it has been some time now, hasn’t it? I hope you enjoyed choosing your own adventure 2 weeks ago and checking out that sweet tap room at Pabst brewery last week. Now it’s time to get back at it with the next chapter in Welcome to Thursdays:  Pourman’s Pub.

This establishment made the customer the center of attention by giving us the ability to pour our own beers. Yes, you read that right: we get to pour our own beers! Using tabletop tappers, each table has 4 taps. After giving the bartender your ID you get a glass and are allowed to tap up to 32 ounces of pure golden heaven.

Now if you have never poured your own beer, it is an experience unlike any other. As if you are conducting your own symphony, you slowly fill your glass, holding it at an angle like your are nurturing your very own child to maintain a healthy head, and with every ounce the anticipation rises, waiting for that one moment where you and the beer are one in the same. That my friends is pure happiness, and at Pourman’s Pub, your happiness is key.

Now we have all seen or heard of the film The Kingsmen, the spy thriller starring Colin Firth. What you don’t know is the idea for the film was actually born through a true company of heroes that hide in the shadows: the Pourmen. This organization has existed since the dawn of time. No one truly knows how they began, but their mission is clear:


Even the people we least expect…..

When the situation is dire and all hope is lost, they shall appear and pour your pint at all costs.

When your night is at its darkest and you are overtaken by fear, no need to fret dear friends, look to beer.

For us, to pour is no chore, we fill your beers for the oath that we swore.

Even in Egypt, the pourmen had a presence. Photocredit: Pintrest

A pourman shall never sleep or give sass when he or she knows there is an empty glass.

When we hear the call that someone is in need, it is up to us to provide them with mead.

When danger is present and evil is near, we never look back and retaliate with beer.

We pour for the people around the globe, no task too tall – we handle the load.

We are the Pourmen.

Pourmen have been around for centuries and have maintained their mission through it all. Photocredit:

Cheers my friends!

Your Co-founder and Friend,

Jeremy Blandin

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each week, The Squeaky Curd features a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us Thursday, July 19, 2018 at Pourman’s Pub, 1127 N Water Street, at 7:30pm.*

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