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Welcome to Thursdays: Jamo’s

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time! We introduce The Squeaky Curd readers to Welcome to Thursdays, a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday we feature a hilariously fictitious history of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening – join us weekly!*

Greetings and Salutations my most humble Thursdians,

“If you love Old Milwaukee raise your glass. If you don’t, raise your standards” – Truman Summ

Colors are changing in this beautiful city and fall is upon us, but Thursday nights remain as strong as ever for good people and good times as we travel to Jamo’s (1800 N Arlington Place). Milwaukee is full of corner bars that may seem the same from the outside; but travel inside, and learn that every bar has a story. Jamo’s is no exception.

As you arrive Thursday, take note of the red entry door. Once you walk through it you will feel as if you have traveled through time and space; you will be in a paradox of history and culture. The walls of Jamo’s are covered in art that would seem sub-par to many, but what you don’t know is that these walls carry priceless pieces of history that have been gathered throughout the 125 years the Jamo’s location has housed a corner tavern.

Legend speaks of an agreement devised by a group of early 20th century artists to create a single collection that was unique and unlike anything seen before. Prior to painting, the artists were tasked to drink six cans of Old Milwaukee to help spark their brushes. The results were a perfect reflection of Milwaukee culture. These masterpieces would go on to be known as the “Cream City Collection.” After creating such a fantastic portfolio, the artists faced one issue: where to store this legendary collection?


Picasso creating his first of many for the “Cream City Collection”


An original Andy Warhol titled “Heaven” in the “Cream City Collection”

By 1965, the leaders of the council of the “Cream City Collection” consisted of Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, and Bob Ross. They all knew that this historic collection needed to be stored somewhere in Milwaukee to pay homage to Old Milwaukee and the city. This collection was priceless, and it needed to be somewhere people would appreciate the heart and soul behind it. One night after drinking many cans of Old Milwaukee on Brady Street, the three artists stumbled upon a corner tavern. They decide to stop for one more and entered the tavern. After merely a few seconds, they knew that this was the place.

Bob Ross added this masterpiece titled “Happy Little Beer” to the “Cream City Collection.

Remember the red door? The door serves as a signal to all current artists that this is the where the ever-growing “Cream City Collection” resides. Come on out this Thursday to take in the culture and good times that Jamo’s has to offer.

Cheers my friends!

Your Welcome to Thursdays Founder,

Jeremy Blandin

Join us at Jamo’s located at 1800 N Arlington Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53202, Thursday, September 30 at 7:30pm. NOTE: Jamo’s is cash only, so bring some dolla dolla bills, ya’ll.

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