“Here’s the thing, to me Old Milwaukee is home. I can travel far and wide to try new and exotic flavors, but at the end of the day I will always come home to what I know to be the truest in flavor and quality: Old Milwaukee.” – Nick Mayer (WTT Member #8)
Greetings and Salutations my Thursday Night Travelers,
This week we are turning the heat up as we adventure to the historic Hosed on Brady. A tavern full of history and tradition, this establishment is inspired by the fighting men and women of the flame in Milwaukee and all across the world. Neighboring the Milwaukee Fire Department’s Engine Company No. Six, Hosed has been serving drinks to patrons and firefighters for many years, as the building dates all the way back to 1883! With amazing prices, Milwaukee’s best popcorn, and a great staff, Welcome to Thursdays is sure to be in for quite the evening. So come on out, have a cold one, and chill out because Welcome to Thursdays is getting oh-so-hot (see what I did there?).
What many people don’t realize is the true meaning behind the tavern’s name; yes it is very clever, but there is so much more to it. I am happy to say, after some extensive research I have the story for you, dear readers.
I will never be able to explain the courage it must take to storm into a burning building. While all other people are running out, fire fighters run in to face the flames. It appears that some of Milwaukee’s courage comes from a ceremony that has been performed for many many years. The term “Getting Hosed” is actually a graduation ceremony that takes place for all the fire fighters of Milwaukee at Hosed on Brady. During the event, a hose is attached to the tap handle, which extends right into the fire fighter’s mouth. In addition to being incredibly fun, the hose symbolizes the fire department adding another member to their crew. You’re probably wondering what a keg has to do with fighting fire; well, all Milwaukee firefighters drink Old Milwaukee before going out on call, as it to gives them the courage to fight these fires – because with Old Mil you can achieve anything. As the Milwaukee firefighter motto goes, “Drink from the hose and out the fire goes”.

Cant wait to get out there Thursday but just one question….WHO IS GLENN??
If you see a firefighter doing the right thing, say thank you by buying them an Old Mil.
Cheers my Friends!
Your Co-founder and Friend,
Jeremy Blandin
PS- Hosed on Brady is a CASH ONLY bar with access to a ATM if you forget.
*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday, The Squeaky Curd features a fictitious history of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us this Thursday, May 18, 2017 at Hosed on Brady located at 1689 N Franklin Pl (Brady Street) at 7:30pm.*