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Welcome to Thursdays: Camino

Greetings and Salutations my fellow Thursday night Travelers,

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end”-Ernest Hemingway

Come join us this Thursday as we travel back to Walker’s Point and the enlightening Camino. With an amazing menu and an unbelievable beer selection, I know that this Thursday night will be one to remember.

Many of you have heard of El Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage in Northwestern Spain. Many people walk this path as a spiritual journey or retreat from everyday life. With a total of 500 miles, this journey tests all who make the hike. It has truly stood the test of time, as the first known pilgrimages occurred in the 9th century.

I am here today, my fellow wanderers of Thursday Nights, to tell you about a lesser known pilgrimage that exists to those who seek it: El Camino de Old Milwaukee. It’s a simple path to clarity and a better world. For those of us who live in Milwaukee, we have no need for this clarity; we already have access to this great city and the holy elixir known as Old Milwaukee. But for those less fortunate, like people who live in Chicago, they have the open choice to make El Camino de Old Milwaukee for better beer and better football.

Nothing better.

Nothing better.

Our great journey starts in the godforsaken city of Chicago, a city that has lost it’s way in both football and beer. Luckily for Chitown, baseball has re-emerged; luckily for Wisconsin, the reign of Jay Cutler remains. For those who have seen what a true football team looks like and how great beer truly tastes, they take El Camino de Old Milwaukee: a simple 85-mile hike that is meant as a gateway to a better life. It’s a journey that is meant to challenge the traveler, but also reward them. Many people have taken the pilgrimage, including the prophet of Old Milwaukee: Will Ferrell. According to some of my super-secret sources, he takes this pilgrimage every 10 years to remind the people that even with a life as grand as his, the devotion of Old Milwaukee and it’s great city remains. After such a grueling journey, the Chicago travelers will find themselves at the door steps of Camino. It is here that the journey comes to its end with an iced cold Old Milwaukee, a thousand stories to tell, and a new life with better football and better beer.

It doesn’t matter who you are- the Hike will always show you the way.

We know what he is really thinking……

Cheers my Friends!

Your co-founder and friend,

Jeremy Jay Blandin

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday The Squeaky Curd features a fictitious history or dazzling explanation of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us this Thursday, February 2, 2017 at Camino, located at 434 S. 2nd St. (Walker’s Point) at 7:30pm.*

P.S. – Just a reminder that our 1 year anniversary is coming up this February 25th at Jacks American Pub on Brady!

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