Greetings and Salutations,
As the next snow storm engulfs Milwaukee, I sit alone with only my thoughts to guide me through this thing called life. I find myself constantly looking up at my calendar realizing that we are slowly ticking closer and closer to February 14th, a day of love. A day to celebrate with that special someone who loves you forever even though you leave the toilet seat up. It’s that special someone that you pause your video game for to text back. Alas, love is a special thing, and yet this writer sits alone every February 14th, waiting for that special someone to show up. No need to fret dear readers, this writer does not have an empty heart, no I am overcome with a special love that one can only find by traveling to Burnhearts this Thursday evening. Of course, I am talking to you about Welcome to Thursdays: the world’s best date night!
Take a chance, bring your special someone out this Thursday night and woo her with the sweet siren sounds of clanking glasses and positively amazing conversation. Enter the low lit, mesmerizing realm of Burnhearts, a bar that holds a very near and dear place in my heart. This was one of the first bars I traveled to when I moved back to Milwaukee. It helped me fall back in love with this great city through its amazing beer selection, friendly staff, and chill mood. Surrounded with a cozy intimacy, the bar has an un-mistakable look to it that new travelers will not soon forget.
Consider this your invitation to come out this Thursday and celebrate love the best possible way you can: in a staple Milwaukee bar, surrounded by amazing Milwaukeans.
If there are any special ladies out there looking to share a Hamm’s or two, then I am the guy for you.
Come on out and share a High Life: I may ask you to be my wife.
More of a Schlitz lady? Stop me in my tracks, I may be love crazy.
Why yes, we can have a Pabst, I think our love may just last.
So you fancy a Blatz, baby our love could melt the ice caps.
No matter what you drink, come out to Welcome to Thursdays and see if we sync.

Cheers my friends!
Your Co-founder and Friend,
Jeremy J. Blandin
*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each week, The Squeaky Curd features a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us Thursday, February 14, 2019 at Burnhearts, 2599 S Logan Ave (Bay View), at 7:30pm.*