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The Sunday Cycle – August 28, 2016

For the past two and a half summers, the evening drafting of the Sunday Cycle has become a recurring mainstay at the tail end of my weekends. I’ve written in many moods during that period of time, ranging from hopeful to hopeless and everything in between. The Sunday Cycle has been an emotion journal from a very loyal fan’s point of view; surface level statistical analysis amidst a whirlwind of color commentary, most of which I pick up by watching a couple games a week and taking five minutes to read about the ones I miss.

This week we enter the final month of the regular season (for the most part). There are five remaining Sunday Cycles until we put a cork in Season Three, and what’s equal parts disappointing and frustrating is this: I don’t know what to write about.

It’s not that there isn’t a lot of baseball being played or note worthy performances taking place, of course there are- baseball is a long game played with big teams nearly every day of the week… a couple of players are bound to be playing well regardless of what the team is doing, and a couple of Brewers are. Keon Broxton has been great since coming back from AAA and is starting to figure it out, Jonathan Villar notched his 50th steal this week, and the hype surrounding Orlando Arcia’s defense has established itself as legit- I really hope his bat starts to develop: he could be a star. Davies remained solid, Peralta continued his comeback, Nelson is still a concern, and Garza still sucks (#theworst). All of the above is just another week of baseball, and right now, I’m just bored trying to squeeze a whole article out of things like that.

So for these final six Sundays, just bear with me guys. I promise I will always talk about the important things happening on this team. Any trades, big injuries, or juicy rumors will be fully analyzed as they occur, but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a pretty uneventful end to the season.

Before the season began I made the (fully educated) decision to sit down once a week and put my thoughts about the Brewers on paper (digital paper…). The driving force behind that decision was simply my desire to write about the Brewers when they are good again. It’s not about my credibility in the eyes of a small but loyal group of readers, but rather I feel that my writing about a good team in the future will be far better because I wrote about a team that strategically chose to hit rock bottom. It will be so much more genuine when I write about the next Brewers team to make a playoff run because I sucked it up during the years they had no chance. But as I say on a nearly weekly basis, it’s going to take time. So with that, I’ll take these final five Sunday evenings on a one by one basis and see what comes of them when it’s time to sit down and write.

Oh and PS, the Squeaky Curd took my own advice from last week and we went to a ballgame. See a small but excellent timeline of my night below!

Sunday Cycle 8-28-16 sd

Followers wanted.

Sunday Cycle 8-28-16-1 sd

I met Telly Hughes! (…sorry Meggy)


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