*This is the forty-first post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Octopi Brewing / 3rd Sign Brewery 1131 Uniek Dr Waunakee, WI 53597 (608) 620-4705 VisitRead More…
GWBT #40: Parched Eagle Brewpub
*This is the fortieth post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Parched Eagle Brewpub 5440 Willow Rd #112 Westport, WI 53597 (608) 204-9192 Visit date: 12/12/15 Quick Hits: 1)Read More…
An Off-Season Cycle: Why I’m not excited for baseball
It could just be the hangover from an exciting, but disappointing finish to the Packers 2015 campaign, or the three times I’ve since driven past Miller Park, but I’m just not terriblyRead More…
SoulBoxer Brandy Old Fashioned: Wisconsin in a Bottle
“There’s something cool about Wisconsin today.” As my friends and family are probably sick of hearing, I recently found a new drink obsession. No, I’m not a newbie to the Wisconsin-staple BrandyRead More…
GWBT #39: Capital Brewery
*This is the thirty-ninth post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Capital Brewery 7734 Terrace Ave Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 836-7100 Visit date: 12/12/15 QuickRead More…