*This is the fifty-first post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Grumpy Troll Brew Pub 105 S 2nd St Mount Horeb, WI 53572 (608) 437-2739Read More…
The Sunday Cycle- April 10, 2016
Last week’s season opening Sunday Cycle was admittedly a bit long-winded. I’ll chalk that up to an entire Wisconsin winter’s worth of thoughts on the Brewers. This week, we’re going to keep itRead More…
GWBT: Katie’s perspective of what it’s really like to go to 50 breweries
*This is a reflection by editor, Katie, about the on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* “We’re trying to go to every brewery in the state of Wisconsin over theRead More…
The Sunday Cycle- April 2nd, 2016
Friends, family, coworkers, h8ers (do I have those yet?), and most importantly: friends of the Curd- welcome to season three of the Sunday Cycle! After some drawn out contract negotiating over the winter,Read More…
GWBT #50: Hop Haus Brewing Co.
*This is the fiftieth post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Hop Haus Brewing Co. 231 S Main St Verona, WI 53593 (608) 497-3165 Visit date:Read More…