Greetings and Salutations my Friends, Well the day has finally come, Welcome to Thursdays will finally be taking over the Pedal Tavern! It is up to all who have signed up toRead More…
GWBT #119: Red Eye Brewing Company
*This is the one-hundred and nineteenth post in an on-going chronicle dubbed theĀ Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.* Red Eye Brewing Company 612 Washington St Wausau, WI 54403 (715) 843-7334Read More…
The Sunday Cycle – August 13, 2017
I’ve got to admit, I was ready to call it. After watching every pitch of the four losses to the Twins this week, during which I felt the Brewers were playing uninspiredRead More…
#BBC17: Takeaways From A Beer-Soaked Weekend
What. A. Weekend. I warned you fine folks last week that I’d be attending the Beer Bloggers & Writers Conference, held here in lil’ ol’ Milwaukee, and that there’d be plenty ofRead More…
Welcome to Thursdays: Black Husky Brewing Company
Greetings and Salutations my Friends, For this Thursday night adventure, I invite you all to travel with us as we take on Black Husky Brewing Company. This company is no normal brewery;Read More…