As the temperature in southeastern Wisconsin settles near 0 degrees for the foreseeable future, it’s inevitable that we’ll start to see our utility bills climb: call it the winter bump. But our tax dollars already go towards a little-known program through We Energies that can help mitigate your energy bills not just during the winter season but year-round; you’ve just got to take advantage of it.

Focus On Energy installation guide. All photos by Joe Powell.
Focus On Energy is a partnership with private businesses and semi-private utilities tasked with “empower(ing) the people and businesses of Wisconsin to make smart energy decisions with enduring economic benefits.” There’s energy-saving incentive programs for just about every business you can imagine. The average homeowner can get in on the savings, too.
We Energies is a participating utility, so Milwaukee-area residents have access to rebates and financial incentives for energy-saving improvements to the home ranging from new furnaces and boilers, insulation and air sealing, and even discounts on LED lighting and smart appliances. This could save eligible homeowners literally thousands of dollars.
If you’re not looking to make major appliance or building improvements, Focus On Energy still offers a free perk that can cut some costs and set you on the right path to energy efficiency.
The Simple Energy Efficiency free packs, which can be found right here, are available to renters or homeowners once every three years. Five minutes on their website will get you a box full of starter home efficiency items delivered right to your door at little to no cost.
You get to choose which pack fits your needs most: LED light bulbs of various sizes, a high-efficiency showerhead, water-saving aerators, and even an “advanced power strip” that will turn off appliances completely when not in use.
Take a few minutes to save yourself some dollars, get some free stuff for your home, and do good for planet earth.
Love being green? We do too – if you haven’t already, check out our Milwaukee Recycling Guide.