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Be a Local Tourist: Sanger House Gardens

The burgeoning Brewer’s Hill neighborhood, just up the way from the Milwaukee River, Schlitz Park, and the new Bucks arena, hides a veritable nature oasis: Sanger House Gardens.

The Sanger House Gardens in Brewer's Hill, Milwaukee. All photos by Joe Powell.

The Sanger House Gardens in Brewer’s Hill, Milwaukee. All photos by Joe Powell.

The house is named for the original homeowner Casper Sanger, a businessman and father to the least-mourned murdered suspect in Milwaukee history. The beautiful 1872 Cream City Brick mansion has been lovingly restored by current owners Steve and Angela; but the house is only the background for their all-encompassing garden.

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We were lucky enough to stop during a walking tour of the neighborhood for Doors Open Milwaukee last fall, when the trees and bushes were lush and green. Steve showed us around, noting the hundreds of trees and plants that must be full of fragrant flowers this spring.

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Though Sanger House Gardens is indeed open to the public (10-6 on weekends, preferably contact their Facebook page in advance), their main gig is as a wedding venue.

There are countless review websites and professional photographers (with better photos than mine) supporting my claim to the beauty hiding just north of downtown. Even local radio celebrity Elizabeth Kay got hitched in the midst of the Sanger greenery.

The time and effort spent on the details, both in the vegetation and the surrounding decor, is as evident as the birds chirping and the butterflies fluttering around you as you stroll along the paths.

If you’re in the market for a unique, urban outdoor venue for your wedding ceremony or reception, or simply looking for a calm and cool way to spend a hot afternoon in the city, Sanger House Gardens has been planted in Brewer’s Hill just for you.

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